Aussie Hunters in Africa

Geoff and David - plains game hunt in Africa

Geoff and David from Queensland, Australia hunt plains game with us in the Karoo

Vaal Rhebok Hunt

We were excited to welcome Geoff for his 3rd hunt with Karoo Wild Safaris. I guided Geoff to some  additional 5 Tiny Ten species to add to his growing collection. We hunted a world class vaal rhebok, oribi, common duiker, blue duiker and cape grysbok. All fantastic trophy specimens. Geoff also hunted a red lechwe, mountain reedbuck, baboon, warthog and an impala.

Jason guided David on his first African hunt. They were successful on kudu, impala, bushbuck, gemsbok, warthog, duiker and duiker.

Hope to hunt with the boys again next August!