Hunting Nyala South Africa

Nyala - the most colorful of African plains game antelope

Nyala Hunting in South Africa
Scientific Name : Tragelaphus Angasii
Weight : 110kg (m), 65kg (f)
Shoulder Height : 1.1m (m), 95cm (f)
Breeding Season : Year round
Minimum Calibre : 270

About Nyala Hunting

Nyala hunting in South Africa is most successful in the early mornings and late afternoons. Nyala are well distributed throughout Southern Africa with the highest density of nyala found in South Africa. They like dense bush, valley bushveld and acacia-lined riverbanks. Nyala form loose family structures of 8-12 animals.

A fight between nyala bulls is a sight to behold. The white crest on top of their backs, rises up in anger and they stand tall and stiff to assert their dominance.

What is considered a Trophy Nyala

Only the males of the species carry horns and they’re part of the spiral horned antelope family. A good trophy nyala will have horns that are parallel at the top or kicking out in a bell shape. Older bulls change color from brown to black at 5 years of age. Typical nyala trophy sizes vary between 24 - 31 inches.

Nyala Hunting Tips

Hunting nyala, kudu, bushbuck and eland, constitute a spiral slam in African hunting terminology. Similar techniques used in kudu hunting are employed when hunting nyala. Get a good vantage point close to water and hunt by spot and stalk. They’re not as “flighty” as kudu and will sometimes pause to assess the danger. Take your shot opportunity – nyala are a beautiful trophy!

Nyala hunting prices have come down in recent years and the nyala trophy price is now affordable to most African hunting enthusiasts.

What does a Nyala Hunt cost

The cost of a nyala hunt is $2500 for a trophy nyala bull. Plains game hunting packages often include a trophy nyala. The Spiral Slam Hunting Package includes a trophy nyala, kudu, eland and bushbuck. This is a nyala hunting package that includes all the spiral horned antelope of Africa.