Hunting Steenbok South Africa

Steenbok are one of the most common of the Tiny Ten group of African plains game

Hunting Steenbok
Scientific Name : Raphicerus Campestris
Weight : 11kg (m), 12kg (f)
Shoulder Height : 50 cm (m), 50 cm (f)
Breeding Season : April and May
Minimum Calibre : 223

About the Steenbok

Steenbok are widely distributed throughout South Africa (Eastern Cape, Free State and Northern Cape) and Namibia. The word “steen” translates from Afrikaans to brick in English, referring to the reddish color of their coat.

Steenbok pair up for life and will defend their territory aggressively. When one loses a mate, it may take months or even years for them to accept another partner.

Judging a Trophy Steenbok

The females are slightly larger but only the males carry horns. Steenbok horns sit straight up and a good pair will be longer than the ears, 4-5 inches long is considered standard trophy horn length. Steenbok hunting is hard work!

Steenbok Hunting Tips

Steenbok like open plains but will sometimes graze close to cover, use this to your advantage. Hunting steenbok in South Africa will get you closer to completing the Tiny Ten, an African hunting term referring to the collection of the smallest antelope found in Southern Africa.

Steenbok Hunting Prices

The cost of a steenbok hunt is $400 for a trophy steenbok. Fully inclusive steenbok hunting packages are common. The Tiny Ten Hunting Package for $6100 includes a trophy steenbok, klipspringer, vaal rhebuck and duiker.